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Hollon Safes Pros & Cons

We are going to review Hollon Safes Pros & Cons which will help you to make a decision whether this safest brand is right for you.

History of the Hollon Brand

Hollon Safe Company is a family owned and operated business. The whole brand has a strong patriotic mission. Head of the company Mr Gilmore & his family were previously having business in the locksmith market. At the time they realized that the prices of the safes are extremely high, making a good quality safe out of reach of the average American family. That is when they realized that there is a need for a new Safes company. And they founded Hollon Safes.

Was it an easy road ? Certainly not. Being a family business and not some huge corporation it is always very hard tobreak the glass ceiling.

Road to success of the Hollon safes

They invest in the best engineers and machines because the quality of the safes is the most important element for them. Hollon safes are top-of-the-line when it comes to strength and durability in construction. They conduct extensive product testing and rigid inspections before the Hollon name goes on any of the safes.

They are not focused on promoting the brand, they rather invest in better materials like thicker steel, bigger bolts that speak for themselves.

They keep in mind the needs of American families. We all want to feel safe, don’t we? We want our guns to be out of the kids or burglars' reach, offering quick access only when we need it. We need fireproof safes to keep our money and valuable papers safe. Some of us need safes with specific anti burglar ratings because of insurance companies. But do we all have the same incomes to buy the proper safe ? No we don’t. Hollon Gilmore family knows that. As true American patriots they care about people so they keep prices as low as the market structure allowes. Hollon safes are giving the highest quality safes for the affordable money.

Downsides of Hollon safes

It is the longer lead time of certain safe models that customers struggle to understand.

Given the fact that standard lead time for receiving any safe is approximately a week or two (depending on where you live) you might be in shock hearing that some of the Hollon Safes have a lead time of 6 weeks.

Why does it happen ? The answer is simple - too many customers want to buy it and there is sometimes a backlog of orders. It just takes time to produce that amount of safes. Especially if you take into consideration that on every unit Hollon is performing a lot of tests to make sure every single piece is in its best condition. Would it be better if they would improve the timings ? Yes, for sure. But most of the customers is not buying in a hurry so they are ok to wait and they know that “good things come for those who wait”

Strong points that make Hollon Leader in the Safes Market

  1. Power of Quality - Hollon investsin the best equipment, materials and theexperienced engineers.Once manufactured, each safe must undergo arigid list of inspections. They take protecting our customers’ assets very seriously. They don’t strive to be the biggest in the industry but to be the best.
  2. Strength in Design: Each Hollon safe is designed to the top of our industries standards and then a little higher. They maintain one of the highest standards of design and durability in the industry. From our experience they have learned to design a safe for durability. This attention to quality combined with our extensive product testing ensures the durability of Hollon products.
  3. Strength in Community: We give back to the communities that support us. Hollon Safes believes in law of tithe and strives to give back10% of profits to charitable and civic causes around the country.
  4. Power of Affordable pricing - Hollon is a patriotic brand, created with vision to serve it’s people. Hollon keeps the lowest possible prices on the market to make a good safe affordable for any US customer.

If you are interested in seeing all the collections Hollon offers you can check it out by cliccking on "All Hollon Safes"

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If you are interested in seeing Selection Fireproof & Anti Burglary you can check out collections: Tl 15 & TL 30 "or click on: Fireproof "

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All of the Hollon Gun Safes you can find under " Hollon Gun Safes "



Special collection is dedicated to Hollon Home safes , you can check it out here:   " Home safes "

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Hollon Office safes come in various sizes and models and, to see it click on: " Office Safes "

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