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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Where are Rhino safes made?

Rhino safes are proudly made in the USA at the Rhino Metals manufacturing facility in Caldwell, Idaho.

How do I reset my Rhino safe code?

To reset the code on your Rhino safe, you will need to refer to the user manual that came with your safe.

The exact instructions may vary depending on the model of your safe, but generally, you will need to enter the current code, press a reset button or sequence of buttons, and then enter your new code.

How do you open a combination safe when you forgot the code?

If you forgot the code to your combination safe, you may need to contact a locksmith or safe technician to help you open it.

Depending on the type of safe and the locking mechanism, a professional may be able to use tools and techniques to manipulate the lock and gain access to the safe.

What is the default code for safes?

The default code for safes varies depending on the manufacturer and model of the safe.

Some safes may not have a default code at all and require the owner to set a new code upon initial setup.

It is important to refer to the user manual or contact the manufacturer for specific information about your safe.

How do you open a locked safe with a dead battery?

If your safe has a dead battery, and you cannot access it with your code, you may need to use a backup key or contact a safe technician to help you open it.

Some safes also have an external battery pack or charging port that can be used to power the locking mechanism temporarily while you enter your code.

The exact solution will depend on the specific model of your safe.


Check out Rihno Safes best selling collections : " RSB Series" , " Ironworks " , "Kodiak" , " Longhorn "" Thunderbolt"" Vault Doors "
